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Gaylord Gives | Employee Giving




GaylordGives, Gaylord Specialty Healthcare's Employee Giving Campaign is an exciting way to make a difference in our own facilities. Your gift shows you are proud of the exceptional health care provided by our staff every day.

Our employees give so much of their time and talents to the hospital every day to make a difference in the lives of our patients. No matter what your role is, your dedication sends a powerful message to the community. Our dedicated and talented employees help make Gaylord Specialty Healthcare stronger and allow us to provide exceptional health care to our community.

Choosing to donate to the Employee Giving Campaign says that you believe so strongly in what happens at our hospital that you are willing to support it above and beyond your everyday work by making a gift.

Gaylord Employee Giving Logo Final

Areas of Giving

Employees have the opportunity to chose from the following areas of need to support our patients and their work.

The Gaylord Fund


The Gaylord Fund is an unrestricted fund that supports the greatest needs at Gaylord throughout the year. In 2023, more than half of employees giving dollars to The Gaylord Fund supported tuition reimbursement for staff, staff wellness initiatives, and more. Donations to The Gaylord Fund provide the Hospital with the flexibility to make decisions that further the mission of the organization and relieve pressure on the operating budget in lean times.

Get Involved in Employee Giving

What matters most to you? It might be the Special Needs Fund or Traurig House? Perhaps something that has had a direct impact on you such as a scholarship. Many established funds benefit programs, equipment, education, or our patients! You can give to what is important to you!

Employee Giving FAQs

What is GaylordGives?
What is the deadline for making a gift?
When does the payroll deduction begin and end?
Is there a minimum donation?
How do I make a gift?
Where does my gift go?
Is my gift tax deductible?
Who do I contact if I have any additional questions?